Calfornia-based Biliti Electric, an electric vehicles (EV) manufacturing company has announced to set up the world’s largest three-wheeler factor in India’s Telangana. According to a statement from the company, the factory is said to create more than 3,000 jobs in the region and is estimated to drive private investments worth $150, with a production capacity of 2,40,000 EVs being rolled out every year.
Biliti currently operates with an exclusive manufacturing partnership with Gayam Motor Works (GMW), a Hyderabad-based company, which takes care of manufacturing all of its three-wheelers.
Biliti Electric, a California-based electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing company, has announced plans to establish the world's largest three-wheeler factor in Telangana, India. According to a company statement, the factory will generate more than 3,000 jobs in the region and is expected to generate $150 million in private investment, with a production capacity of 2,40,000 EVs per year.
Biliti currently has an exclusive manufacturing partnership with Gayam Motor Works (GMW), a Hyderabad-based company that manufactures all of its three-wheelers. According to the company, the facility will be built in two phases over 200 acres. Phase I will be operational in early 2023, producing 18,000 vehicles per year on 13.5 acres. The facility will be completed in 2024 and will cover 200 acres, producing 240,000 vehicles per year. This facility will produce all models, including the Taskman, one of Biliti's most popular cargo models.